Belmopan, 23 October 2024

The Belize Poultry Association (BPA) was in the southern districts of Belize on October 16, 21 and 22, 2024 supporting the control of poultry diseases. The workshop targeting Newcastle Disease Vaccination was organised by the Belize Agricultural Health Authority (BAHA) through FAO funding. BAHA’s strategy was to use the One Health approach so besides trainers from BAHA, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise (MAFSE) and the BPA there were also personnel from the Forest Department and the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

The BPA presented on the Avian Influenza global situation highlighting the role played by wild birds in the global distribution, the economic impact on poultry health and production and ecological diversity, and the human factor – farmer livelihood and public health. The BPA also quizzed participants on table eggs and broiler meat offering a surprise reward (tee-shirts, exercise books, key rings, pens and rulers) to all who did the quiz.

The workshop was well-received by the participants – farmers and high school students alike. During the demonstration on the handling and preparation of the Newcastle Disease vaccine and its application many farmers could be seen videoing the demonstration.

The BPA supports BAHA and MAFSE on any activity on the prevention and control of poultry diseases especially Newcastle Disease and High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza. The BPA imports for BAHA and MAFSE Newcastle Disease vaccine vials with 100 – 150 doses suitable for backyard poultry production. Passive surveillance conducted by BAHA shows that Fowl Pox and Avian Infectious Coryza (Coryza) are major problems in backyard poultry. Hence Fowl Pox vaccine is also imported and given feedback received at the recently held workshop, BPA and the other institutions will consider the importation of Coryza vaccine as well.